The health crisis has radically changed the way we interact, and our challenge is to learn to adapt as much as possible to the constant turn of events day to day.


The health crisis has radically changed the way we interact, and our challenge is to learn to adapt as much as possible to the constant turn of events day to day In the labor field, companies have taken key decisions in a timely manner, and these are precisely the circumstances that test our ability to grasp new opportunities and develop our competences.

That is how teleworking or home office was implemented, temporarily for some, permanently for others. The truth is that this new methodology has some benefits and some difficulties, and we must know how to identify them to optimize our processes.

At MIGTRA we work with a key tool: continuous communication. Today, technological resources allow us to communicate in different ways. However, it is important to create a dynamic and a constant commitment to all the team members to express concerns and questions transparently and actively. The team’s welfare is a priority and our company’s main asset.

Here are some actions we take in our team that may be useful for your organization:

  •  Weekly planning. Each team has specific tasks and needs. It is important to determine the tasks with each group, answering questions and establishing methodologies for each of them.
  • Task delivery dates. Make sure to set key start and finish dates for each task.
  • Optimized communication. Define specific communication channels for each project or client, in which only the areas involved participate, to keep up to date with the progress or requirements of each project.
  • Digital resources. Find applications that optimize work online. Google Drive, Figma, Jira, for sharing documents and working collaboratively. Zoom, Hangout, Meet for meetings. Jira, Trello, Keep for managing activities.

Finally, it is important to take care of the work environment. Our team makes sure to leave some time for sharing and strengthening our bonds and team spirit. It is important that people in our team have all the tools to work properly from home, as well as the support necessary for them to feel looked after and listened to. Now is when personal management is at the service of professional management.

In the case of Migtra Video Analytics, we were able to monitor and have absolute control over the safety protocols of fleets or operations to prevent accidents. We use technology in favor of safety and the protection of people. At the same time, this technology allows us to automate processes, improving operating costs, reducing errors, and increasing the exchange of information, which reduces setbacks considerably every day.

The advance of computer vision certainly has had an exponential growth that will not slow down, completely changing how we work and interact with the world. As this alliance between humans and computers start to consolidate, the workforce will be free, and people will be able to think and find new improvements for human and technological development.