Our clients, companies that lead their sector, with large road fleets for the transport of people and cargo.

Something that you could only see in science-fiction movies in the past, now is a reality that gets ever closer. Cars that travel without a human driver, illness diagnosis, sport analysis, etc., are different fields were computer vision can provide significant benefits. At a global scale, this industry is getting more attention every day, and experts estimate that by 2023 the computer vision and hardware market will reach 48,300 million dollars.

But in simple words, what is computer vision? It is a form of artificial intelligence that focuses primarily on replicating parts of the complexity of the human vision system and allows computers to identify and process objects in images and videos, the same way humans do. It enables them to understand the situation they face and make decisions based on the objects analyzed.

The success of technological advances of computer vision is due to a model based on Deep Learning, designed to identify objects in images. For this model to be able to recognize objects, it needs to be fed a large volume of data and images labeled by category.  With these pre-trained models, we can control people’s movements, detect the use of safety elements, recognize activities, and more.

Nowadays, the expansion of this market is due to the increasing necessity for intelligent factories. Different industries are moving towards digital platforms to get more flexibility, better process control, and easier supervision.

In the case of Migtra Video Analytics, we were able to monitor and have absolute control over the safety protocols of fleets or operations to prevent accidents. We use technology in favor of safety and the protection of people. At the same time, this technology allows us to automate processes, improving operating costs, reducing errors, and increasing the exchange of information, which reduces setbacks considerably every day.

The advance of computer vision certainly has had an exponential growth that will not slow down, completely changing how we work and interact with the world. As this alliance between humans and computers start to consolidate, the workforce will be free, and people will be able to think and find new improvements for human and technological development.